Kreativ Dental : avis authentiques de patients

Mise à jour le 01 décembre 2023
9.7 (71)
0 2


1 reviews with 5-7 stars
71 reviews
3-5 stars
Évaluation globale
Hygiène du personnel et propreté des lieux
Organisation (séjour, planning des soins…)
Politesse et communication avec le patient
Qualité des soins et modernité des installations
Rapport qualité / prix
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Notation (La plus grande étant la meilleure)
Hygiène du personnel et propreté des lieux
Etes-vous satisfait de l'état de propreté de la clinique ? Les instruments étaient d'une hygiène irréprochable ? Les médecins prenaient-ils des précautions hygiéniques adéquates ? (tenue vestimentaires, mains propres, etc)
Organisation (séjour, planning des soins…)
Etes-vous satisfait de l'organisation générale de votre traitement, de votre séjour, du planning, etc ?
Politesse et communication avec le patient
Etes-vous satisfait de la façon dont on a répondu à vos questions ? Etes-vous satisfaits des explications fournies au sujet de votre traitement ?
Qualité des soins et modernité des installations
Etes-vous satisfait de la qualité des soins reçus ? Les installations de la cliniques sont-elles modernes ?
Rapport qualité / prix
Etes-vous satisfait du prix payé pour vos soins reçus ?
Soins dentaires (facultatif)
Conseilleriez-vous cet établissement à des amis ?
Quels soins avez-vous reçus ?
Combien d'implants ont-ils été posés ?
Combien d'euros avez-vous économisé en allant dans cette clinique par rapport au(x) devis réalisé(s) chez vous ?
Vous pourrez télécharger des médias juste après avoir soumis votre avis.
1 resultats - affichant 1 -1
Kreativ Dental Dissapointment
Évaluation globale
Hygiène du personnel et propreté des lieux
Organisation (séjour, planning des soins…)
Politesse et communication avec le patient
Qualité des soins et modernité des installations
Rapport qualité / prix
My wife is a GP in London GB. She has been on maternity leave for 8 months and is planning to go back to work soon. So we decided to try and get Outstanding! dental work done as quickly and reasonably as possible.

I had been to Kreativ Dental in Hungary with my sister in 2008 and mother in 2010. I was the one who booked and arranged their treatments. Both treatments went well although considerably over budget and so I arranged treatment for my wife.

Unfortunately this did not go at all well. At the request of their Uk agent I took 4 days leave from work to travel with my wife and child.
When we arrived they couldn't see us.

Overbooked o they fitted us in on the afternoon of our 2nd day. Then without asking us and going on notes from their UK agent they wrote a plan for 5 days treatment, we explained we only had 2 days left and they were annoyed with us. (UK agent had misinformed them about our length of stay??)

They offered to do what they could with our limited time left which we appreciated. However they sprung a clause on us We had to sign a binding contract committing us to a second visit with estimated costs of £6K.

We were then pressured by multiple people especially Dr Cristian Pilihaci who told us we needed a CAT scan for £170 promised an excellent job that he would do personally, if we took the expensive plan. Or nothing at all if we didn't.

We were very and unhappy with this and spent 3 hours asking and arguing if they could just just do what was possible over the next two days, they said they could only cancel other patients appointments and fit us in if we signed the contract for a return visit.

We insisted that we were not comfortable with this and just wanted the basic work done which they told us was was now just 2 root canals and a polish and clean and a whitening.

However we were told unless we committed to the more expensive implants as well that nothing would be done.

They were completely indifferent about the fact we had come from the UK expecting dental treatment with multiple days of appointments booked.

We had a lot of expense and a really bad experience. I even went back to plead if they could at least just fit her in for a teeth whitening.

Shoddy sales tactics underhand approach if my wife was not a qualified British GP she would have been unable to challenge their numerous misleading statements.

Kreativ Dental Clinic is a definite Avoid Avoid Avoid!

Patient care manager almost offered us a free meal as we left but needless to say we were not interested.

Soins dentaires (facultatif)

Soins reçus
  • blanchiment
  • bridge
  • couronne
  • détartrage
  • dévitalisation-de-dents
  • implant
1 resultats - affichant 1 -1